Journal Statistics & Impact

Historicus enjoys very good reputation and respect for providing significant contribution to commerce and cognate disciplines in Pakistan. It is also very popular in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, India, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia. This is substantiated by international representation of authors, full text downloading and citations of Historicus from these countries. Each year, huge number of Scholars visit our website to access its content. As Historicus is a recognized/accredited and funded journal by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, Government of Pakistan. Thus, Pakistani authors get full credit of their publications in Historicus towards tenure appointments on TTS scales, promotion and permanent appointments on BPS scales. That’s why faculty members from public/private sector universities and degree awarding institutes of Pakistan prefer to publish their funded and non-funded research projects in Historicus which is a research journal of international repute and recognized by the HEC as well:

Historicus maintains publishing quality through very good selection of papers from among all public and private sector universities and degree awarding institutes of Pakistan. Interest of scholarly community in Historicus content is also reflected from the citations of Historicus in various websites.